Thursday, May 2, 2019


Before I began this course, blogging was a foreign concept to me. I hadn’t run one before, so of course I was unsure about what I should write about for the first few weeks. So I began with a post about the topic I know better than anyone else: myself. I talked about me and my winding career journey up to this point, a story I’m quite used to telling. After another week or two, I got the hang of it, and starting searching for articles related to the First Amendment, summarizing them, and including a bit of my opinion in the posts.
I got to talk about various ways the First Amendment was misused or not used where it should, as well as a few posts expressing my methods of securing my online privacy. Nevertheless, up-keeping a blog - for the first half of the semester, at least - was fairly difficult, as it was hard to pick and choose which articles are discussed. It was also difficult to simply remember to do it; I remember a few days where I spontaneously remembered I forgot to finish my blog post for that week. It was a bit easier in the second half, where the articles were based off of in-class activities. This way, I could come fresh out of class with ideas for a blog and write them down.
For future students, I would recommend setting reminders at the end of each week to wrap up the blog post. Space out your blog posts, because cramming a few of them together is not fun. In addition, I would also recommend not getting all their articles in the same week or so. Writing about more recent events is much more intriguing and easier to discuss than something you grabbed an article on five weeks ago and didn’t bother writing about until that day.