Friday, February 1, 2019

Discovering My Career Path

Growing up, I thought I knew for sure what I wanted to major in and grow up to be: I absolutely, positively, without a doubt wanted to be an artist. Art has been one of my biggest passions for as long as I can remember, and I wanted to make it into my career, with the mindset of "if you make a job out of something you enjoy, you will never work a day in your life." However, in high school, I began questioning that. Would I enjoy being an artist, taking requests and harsh criticisms without the freedom to work on projects that I enjoy? My art teacher in high school asked me those same questions, confirming that it wasn't just me that was concerned about that, and from then on, I decided to find a new career path. I entered college as something I would have never expected about five years ago: an undeclared student; and I am about to declare something I would have expected even less: Game & Interactive Media Design, a major I didn't even know existed before coming to High Point University. With this major, I can combine my passion for art and design with video games, another childhood obsession of mine. From what I've experienced, I very much enjoy it.

Oh, and don't even think for a second that I gave up on art entirely; I still love to draw to this very day.

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