Thursday, April 4, 2019

Online Presence

I've always been very careful about distributing personal information online, so in terms of my online footprint, I think it's actually fairly small. This might be due to the fact that I only use two social media sites - Twitter and Snapchat (the latter very rarely to boot) - and even when I do use them, it's mainly to share other people's content that I enjoy. Most of the time, I'm just sharing content from others I find to be funny or important; I rarely post myself. As an example of how rarely I post, as of April 4, 2019, my last original Twitter post was in October of last year.
When it comes to personal information distribution, I'm very careful about who gets what. While I do use my real name if asked for it, I do sometimes use a fake date of birth on some of my online accounts - just to make gathering personal information a bit more difficult. And from what I can remember, I have only given out my address online once: to Amazon, in order to have them deliver a package. Needless to say, I am extremely careful about which sites know what about me.

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