Friday, March 29, 2019

COM Tech Timeline

In terms of modern tech giants, none have had as much of an influence as Google. Initially popular for their advanced search engine that left the competition in the dust, Google has now expanded its influence to encompass an email platform, the video streaming platform YouTube, and, until recently, its own social media platform, Google Plus. Nearly every website has a "sign up with Gmail" option nowadays, proving just how far Google's influence has spread. The popularity of the platform is mostly due to the convenience and reliability of the search engine and Gmail. However, the widespread influence of Google has a major downside: it discourages aspiring tech companies from trying out ideas Google already has a part in, as they could not possibly dream of beating the tech giant and its massive sphere of influence. But has it spread too thin?
Recently, Google announced the shutdown of Google Plus and Google Inbox, digging the grave for two more of its less popular applications. These aren't the only applications that Google had to put away after their initial hype wore off; Google Notebook, Google Hangouts, Google Health, and Google Glass are just some of the products that the big G-man had to put down. However, this doesn't seem to be stopping them from expanding even further into uncharted territory, if their gaming console Stadia is anything to go by. However, the big question is: how far can they spread before they collapse?

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