Thursday, March 21, 2019

Eight Values

In my opinion, the fourth of the eight values of free expression - the one which promotes individual self-fulfillment - is the most important. The promotion of individuality and expressiveness through free speech is too important a concept to ignore, as it allows people to forge their own individual sense of identity, rather than identify solely as part of a collective and nothing more. Individuality integrates the idea of free speech into our personality, dignity, agency, and autonomy. In addition, it allows us to form our own social networks with ideas and identities similar to our own, rather than forcefully being affiliated with people who we may or may not agree with solely based on areas like political party. Without our individuality, we would be more hesitant to express our ideas and thoughts, making America as a whole less innovative and self-critical; and the ability to criticize our own government is another part of what makes America stand out. Individuality is a major backbone for criticizing our government; without it, how could we expect to voice our ideas to the government if those same individual ideas are being suppressed?

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