Monday, March 4, 2019

An Inside Look at the Supreme Court

With a few videos showing the inner working of the Supreme Court, I got to learn quite a few things about the most powerful judicial body on the planet - and yes, that is one of them. I always imagined bodies like Parliament were bigger than our Supreme Court, but as it turns out, that thought was misplaced. Its size does not make it entirely without influence however; a few of our nation's presidents have tried to appoint their own Supreme Court Justices in order to swing decisions towards them. However, this does not always go to plan for them, however. Most justices, no matter how appointed, hold no bias for the commander in chief.
Additionally, I learned about how exactly the Court reaches decisions, like the process of opinion-writing. A representative for each side of an argument of a case (if it does make it to their office; most case files don't even make it past the front desk) is selected from the justices and they must write a report supporting said argument using evidence. This process is the longest one in the entire Court, taking an upwards of 4 weeks.

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